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Hi Marie,
What a great idea, thank you for sharing it!

I made the tiny shopping bag and filled it with a few gift cards. I gave it to my granddaughter, who left for college yesterday. She loved the bag and is displaying it in her room. THANKS for the great download. It was a unique way to give her the gift cards.

Congratulations Kathy! You will love the beautiful paper! I have some and it is so vibrant!
Darcie, thank you for the free download! I'm off to print it now.

Hi Kathy JH, Congrats and thank you for participating! I'll ship that out to you today, hope you enjoy it!

Hi Marie,
Thanks so much, and we look forward to seeing you in Hamburg. I won't be at the show, but the rest of the gang will be there. The Jumbo U-Cuts will be at the show. I was looking through the list and realized I DON'T have any with a Halloween theme... I need to add that to my to do list, huh?
Thanks again! Darcie

Thank You - I won the paper packet and have emailed you my address. Thanks also for the download - love it!

I really love the tiny shopping bag. Thank you for supplying the download. I will be attending the Hamburg show. Will the Jumbo U-cuts be available for purchase? Are there Halloween Jumbo U-cuts?

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